Sun Diagnostic Centre

Best Diagnostic Centre in Odisha Offers High-quality Services at Best Price

Sun Diagnostic Centre was established in 1994. It is the first NABH accredited Medical Imaging Service Centre of Odisha. Sun Diagnostic has the state-of-the-art medical diagnostic facility that is committed to providing accurate & reliable diagnostic services to individuals and healthcare professionals. With a focus on advanced technology, exceptional quality, and patient care, we strive to be a trusted partner in healthcare. Our comprehensive range of diagnostic services and dedicated team of experienced professionals ensure accurate diagnoses and timely results.

4 +
Accredited Centres
29 +
Years of Experience
200k +
No. of Patients
2mn +
Samples Collected
Our Strengths

What Makes us Different

Sun Diagnostic Centre is dedicated to a continuous endeavor of improvement. We strive to be at the forefront of diagnostic services, guaranteeing that you receive the most precise and timely results. Our commitment to excellence drives us to continually invest in cutting-edge healthcare technology and equipment. We're here to lead the way in diagnostic services, ensuring you have access to the most accurate and timely results. Our patient-centric approach is founded on personalized care plans, transparent communication, and active involvement in your healthcare decisions.

End-to-end Solution

Imaging, testing and doctor consultations – all under one roof.

Accurate Reports

Reports that inspire Doctor confidence, also ee adhere to a strict turnaround time for reporting.

Experienced Specialists

Our experienced specialists serve all patients with utmost dedication and honesty.

Affordable Pricing

We offer competitive prices, making it easier than ever to take control of your health care costs.

Our Presence

With multiple centres, Sun Diagnostic Centre has extended its reach far and wide to bring
quality healthcare closer to you.

Sun Diagnostic Centre
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Sun Diagnostic Centre
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